It cleans. Steam cleaner removes dirt.
It sanitizes. Steam cleaner disinfects and kills 99.9% of germs at a temperature between 175 °F and 212 °F.
It deodorizes. Steam removes odors from soft surfaces such as mattresses, carpets and upholstery.
Steam Cleaning is a nonchemical cleaning. Cleaning with steam is 100% natural. Steam cleaners use only water.
Steam cleaning is friendly to people with asthma because it gets rid of dust mites and other allergens on the surface.
Cleaning with steam is safe for children and pets.
Cleaning with steam replaces expensive cleaners and disinfectants.
*Please note that carpet/rug and/or upholstery steam cleaning can be done during regular apartment cleaning or after the deep cleaning of the apartment by Butterfly Home Cleaning.
** The price for steam carpet cleaning is $50 per hour per person. 4 hours are minimum for steam cleaning in Brooklyn (Brooklyn, NY 11230).
Call for the estimation 347.853.8088
At Butterfly Home Cleaning your rugs will be professionally cleaned. We offer multiple cleaning methods for many types of rugs based on your needs.